Need Roommate for Fall 2012 semester/year

Started by emilyx675, December 22, 2011, 03:09:16 PM

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Hey, i'm a female looking for another female roommate.

I'm transferring from SUNY Albany next year and I cannot dorm on campus, so I need to find a house/roommate for next year. I'm a non-smoker of cigarettes, I'm very easygoing, and I like to have fun, and get my work done, too.
I have yet to find a house of my own, so I'm looking for someone with a room/apartment to rent.
I'm financially stable, and my parents are willing to help me out if needed.

Reply here, or email me at, if you're interested.
thanks, :)


Hey girls!
My name is Maria and I live in an off campus apartment. My two roommates are graduating and I am looking for 2 roommates for fall 2012 semester and also spring 2013. Feel free to email me with questions if interested :)


Hey my name is Alessandra. I transferred from SUNY Albany last year. I live in an apt now with a bunch of guys but I wanted to move out in the fall and meet new people. I would love to meet/talk to you about maybe finding a place
you can email me at


Hi! I am looking for someone to live with for the Fall 2012 semester as well! I am going to be a transfer junior student.