Gay male looking for an apartment spring 2013 or earlier

Started by Colin_Hanns, October 24, 2012, 01:43:57 PM

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Hi everyone, I will be transferring to New Paltz in the spring and need an apartment. Looking a place to rent with between 350-600 within walking distance to campus. I can move asap or wait unitl the semester begins. I am a gay male so id either like to live with girls or open minded guys. Reply here or email me at



Hey Colin, I've been looking into somewhere to live within walking distance to SUNY too and I think I found a place if you're interested. I need a roommate because I can't afford rent on my own, we'd be splitting rent that's 885.
I have a kitten if that matters but hopefully it doesn't =]
my cell's 518 354 0502


that sounds perfect!! shoot me an email at
when are you looking into moving in? and whats the address so i can look into the area.
hope to hear from you soon  :D