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Messages - brerabbit06

Looking for a housemate: Share house out in the country, 10 miles from N.P. $350/month includes utilities. Your own room (furnished) + share kitchen etc with 2 others (m). No pets please, no cigarettes. Quiet, mountain view, good atmosphere for student or young working person. PHONE (845) 895-3756 (voice only, don't text).
Looking for a housemate: Share house out in the country, 10 miles from N.P. Your own room (furnished) + share kitchen etc with 2 others (m). No pets please, no cigarettes. Quiet, mountain view, good atmosphere for student or young working person. Phone me at (845) 895-3756 (voice only, don't text).
Share house out in the country, 10 miles from New Paltz. $275/month includes utilities. Your own room (furnished) + share kitchen etc with 2 others. Quiet, mountain view, good atmosphere for students. No pets please, no cigarettes in house. Available immediately for 2014/15 school year. PLEASE REPLY ONLY BY PHONE (no texts): (845) 895-3756.
Share house out in the country, 10 miles from New Paltz. $265/month includes utilities. Your own room (furnished) + share kitchen etc with 2 others. Quiet, mountain view, good atmosphere for students. No pets please, no cigarettes in house. Reply only by phone: (845) 895-3756.