8 bedroom house available June 1st. 2016-2017

Started by npaltzrent, January 26, 2016, 08:58:29 AM

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We have a very large 8 bedroom place for rent starting June 1 st.  Located at 46 church st.,short walk to campus. Built two years ago. Highly efficient ,very low utilities costs. Very large kitchen,and living room. two large bathrooms,two sets of free washers and dryers. Paved off street parking. cental a/c
Fire sprinkler system for safety.  we work with Your student aid.
Rent is $ 625/bedroom.  For the price you will not fine better.

  Email John @ newpaltzrentals46 @yahoo .com. Or call (914)582-1761

We have other size places.   2,3,4,5,&6 bedroom places