Looking for 2 bedrooms for Spring 2013

Started by Nicole714, May 18, 2012, 05:39:06 PM

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Hi, I'm Nicole and I'm transferring to New Paltz in the spring with my friend, Rachel, from SUNY Oneonta. We are looking for a 2 bedroom apartment or house close to school. We are willing to live with other people. We are looking for a place that is about $600/person/month. Also, we don't smoke and we want to live with non-smokers.

Paul T

hi have a 3 bedroom with 2 bedrooms available $600 per month and split all utilities.  Very large house with 1 acre land.  3 miles from SUNY in new paltz    paul 347-843-2803


Hi , I'm Anthony. A transfer student myself. I have a place I'm looking at and I'm still looking for 2 more. Let me know if you want more information, or if you have found a place. Thanks. 
Email   Antrod1112@yahoo.com
Phone. 845-519-0901


Let me know if you want to share a room for $400 each. This is our post:

We are three college kids looking for a fourth roommate!

We like to party a couple times a week and get loud, crack lots of jokes, *we also play in a band and have band practice 3 to 4 times a week*, but we also savor our down time and chill and hang out.. HOWEVER, we all take school seriously (just not on weekends)..Meaning if you can't handle loud music and lots of fun, don't answer this ad! We're living the experience, but we're very down to earth dudes.. ALL ARE WELCOME! Dudes, Chicks, Transfers, College-Aged people, LGBT Friendly, JUST NO PETS..feel free to send an e-mail, the clock is ticking!

The Important Things:
Everything included except internet
10 Month Lease
Own Room
Living Room, Kitchen, Basement
Contact at joekrug2264@gmail.com

Minute walk to campus!