Looking for 1 Bedroom or large studio for Fall 2014

Started by CarissaCancel, January 06, 2014, 01:01:07 AM

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My boyfriend and I are looking to rent an one bedroom apartment or a large studio for Fall 2014 - Spring 2015. 

My name is Carissa. I'm studying Media Programming and Management and will be a senior next fall. My boyfriend's name is Andrew and he is double majoring in English and Journalism; he will be a senior as well. We are both hardworking students and are very serious about our work. We both are very reserved and organized.

If you have anything available for then, please contact either of us by phone or email. My number (631) 618-7172 and email address is N02391448@hawkmail.newpaltz.edu. His is (631) 245-7394 and freya1@hawkmail.newpaltz.edu.