Room available, walking distance to campus.

Started by constr1cted, November 20, 2011, 01:22:47 PM

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Hello everyone. These are the things you might want to know in regards to this room:
-$520, all utilities included.
-Sharing the basement with another person (me)
-I'm am majoring in Early Childhood Education, an activist, peaceful, friendly, and respectful.
-You'd be one out of seven girls total.
-The girls there are extremely down to earth, and the environment feels sunny, vibrant, and soothing.
The last time I was there, the girls were baking cookies, all gathered together cozily doing crafty things.
-There are two cars as far as I'm concerned, but everything is still walking distance.
-If you want to see pictures, email me @ at request, and I'll show you a glimpse of what it looks like.
-Either contact me, (917) 400-0933, or Melissa, (516) 906-0133


I am interested! I've tried emailing but i keep getting a failure notice. Please contact me at
Thank you very much! Hope to hear from you soon!