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Messages - RJS21

Hey guys

My friends and I are looking for one more potential roommate to fill a house of 5 bedrooms. Two bedrooms downstairs, three upstairs. Kitchen, and living room are spacious so we won't be on top of each other. House is about a ten min walk from campus/2 min drive. We are all pretty chill and fun to be around! Text if interested 315-720-3861
Hey guyss,

Soo my friend Nicole and I both transferred here this year and we are currently looking for roommates for next fall/spring semester.  We are open to living with either females or males.  We want to find at least 2 or 3 more people before we start really looking into houses or apartments, just so we can all decide as a group on a set price range and get a sense of who we will be living with.  If you're currently looking for two chill af girls to live with feel free to hit me up.  I am a psych major and she is graphic design.  We both lax here and so if you're into sports thats definitely a plus, if not thats cool too.  Text if youre interested in finding a place.  315-720-3861