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Messages - n02522523

 Hi my name is Arabella! I am looking for a place to live for the upcoming academic school year! I wouldlove to hear more about the place and visit! Is it still available? Let me know. Thank you for your time and consideration  :)
Hey Brit! My name is Arabella Green and I am going to be a senior this upcoming year. I would love to speak to you further about the living situation. I am a very studious, clean and generally quiet person! If that sounds like a good fit for you, I am reachable by email at or by cell at 917 831 0636. Let me know what you think :)! Look forward to hearing from you
To whom it may concern, my name is Arabella and I am looking for a quiet location where I can focus on my studies. I am currently an undergraduate student but am very studious, neat and quiet. I do not party and am looking for a housing situation that meets my needs. Your advertisement seems like a really great fit! I would love to hear more details and speak to you further about the available room. Please let me know where I can contact you either via email or telephone. I look forward to hearing from you! Thanks for your time and consideration. :)