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Messages - shawa1

A friend and I are LOOKING to live somewhere close (ish) to SUNY newpaltz for august-january!  2015
we are willing to share a 1 bedroom apartment or a two bedroom apartment.
overall, we are not looking to spend more that 1300 a month. 
Email me if you have anything available!  8)
Hey!.  My name is Anna and i'm going to be graduating in fall 2015 in December with a good friend of mine! We don't want to have to sign a long lease so we are looking to sublease or even do month to month payments.  We're clean and respectable people  8)

the length of our stay would august to December
(i would prefer to do four months of payment of:  middle/end of august to the start of winter break in December)
of course 5 months would be fine if that is what is available. 
-send me an email with subject FALL2015 or text (516)491-9967